Saturday, March 22, 2025


Newry Island....during calm weather (Here where I now live we've just been through the mayhem caused by the unwelcome, uninvited visit by Cyclone Alfred. We were without power, and all the problems that caused, for a week, and longer. No water, no flushing toilets, contents of fridge and freezers tossed, no phones, no everything! But, there were/are folk worse off than I was/am. Fortunately, here where I live we didn't suffer any flooding. Many, many trees were destroyed by Alfred's uncaring fury) In the early Nineties I lived, alone, on Newry Island. To be honest, not entirely, alone, “Pushkin” and “Rimsky” my two cats were my constant companions and bedfellows. The island lies within the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. Since 2001 only camping is allowed on the island. The buildings were demolished; only shells of their former selves remain. Once upon a time, back in the early to mid-1900s, Newry Island housed one of the earliest resorts in that northern area, albeit a very humble, small resort. In some ways, “resort” isn’t the correct description of what was on offer to visitors. Newry Island lies between Rabbit Island and Outer Newry Island; with Acacia and Mausoleum Islands nearby to its south-east. Newry sits in the azure waters of the Coral Sea, 25kms north of Mackay; and few kilometres north of Seaforth, as fish swim, or as seagulls fly. A well-maintained boat ramp at the 22km long, meandering Victor Creek, 4kms north of Seaforth is the main departure point for Newry Island. Under my care were the island’s basic accommodation, bar and dining facilities, along with running the generators (one large generator, and one a little smaller), as well as keeping a close eye or two on the dam that supplied water to the main building and the cabins. It was my job to handle everything it took to run the small, unsophisticated resort. From my first sight on the first day I crossed from the mainland to the island, an island I’d never visited before, I fell in love the run-down resort with its cabins built close to the foreshore facing the ocean; its simple, straightforward, unrefined main dining/bar area in need of repair harboured many stories between its walls. The buildings reminded me of the seaside as it used to be when I was a small child; a long time before our coastal areas and tropical islands became clones of Hawaii, Florida, and similar glossy, “plastic” holiday areas. No rain, or very, very little, had fallen during the nine months since my arrival on the island. The dam was at a disturbingly low level; it had gone beyond hovering. Daily its level decreased. Lowering the dam’s pump became an everyday chore for me to enable water to flow down to the main building, the guest cabins, and to the outside public amenities block. Eight self-contained cabins, the bar/dining/kitchen area, and a camping site were serviced by the dam’s water supply. Fortunately, visitors to Newry understood my dire water shortage. In most cases, they happily obeyed my requests to not waste the precious commodity. Christmas was drawing close. The eight cabins were booked out for the Christmas/New Year break; all by family groups. My plans for the “Silly Season” were well underway. The larder and bar were being stocked. I made sure I had more than sufficient supplies of diesel for the running of the generators. The main holding tank was full, and I had a couple of spare drums…just in case! Everything was running smoothly…I was on top of it all. The drums of diesel had to be ferried across from the mainland on the island’s large wooden raft, which was moored reasonably close inshore. Cyclone Joy formed out in the Coral Sea, off the coast from Cairns on 18th December, 1990. Joy, with the promise of little joy, slowly travelled westward before she remained hovering off the coast of Cairns for almost a week, causing rough seas and high tides along the northern beaches between Port Douglas and Cairns; teasing everyone’s equilibrium. With little or no forewarning, on Christmas Eve, tiring of the Cairns’ area, Cyclone Joy picked up speed and headed southwards. From the outset of Cyclone Joy’s appearance on the 18th, I’d been monitoring her activity and progress daily; not only by my air-sea radio, but also by frequent telephone contact with friends who lived at Clifton Beach, north of Cairns. When living on a tropical island, or at any of the coastal and nearby coastal areas in North Queensland, it’s mandatory to keep track of a cyclone’s erratic movements. They enjoy keeping us mere humans on our toes. My commonsense kicked into gear a week or so before Christmas. I knew I'd need someone to give me a hand through the busy time ahead. A couple of weeks earlier I'd met a very nice young girl, Alice, who had visited the island for a weekend with her young boyfriend. Alice's father, Ian, was a guest on the island at the same time; so the young folk joined him for a couple of days. Rick, Alice's boyfriend was a nice young lad. He was working as a jackaroo on a property out from Sarina, south of Mackay. Rick was also “off the land”. His family were beef cattle folk, running a large property in the Kingaroy region. Alice had taken a gap-year off from her university studies in Melbourne, having decided to travel around Australia, much to her mother's dismay. Alice had been working as a governess at another cattle property outside of Sarina, but when I met her she was no longer employed in that role. Biding her time, deciding what she would do next, Alice was staying at a backpackers' hostel in Mackay, run by friends of her father, Ian. I had a light bulb moment. Alice would be my ideal work companion throughout the Christmas/New Year period. Fortunately, when I offered her the job (a very low paying position...I couldn't afford to pay her much over and beyond her board and keep...including access to the bar!), she jumped at the chance. I collected her up by boat from the mainland the following day. No time was wasted dilly-dalllying. Alice and I had ball together. She and I had clicked from the first moment we’d met. We had so much fun. I was old enough to be her mother, but we got on like a house on fire. She was a great, intelligent young woman with a zest for life. After a few days Alice asked if it would be okay if Jill, her mother, came to the island to spend Christmas. They'd not seen each other for a while. I agreed, of course. Jill lived in Melbourne. Alice’s mother was thrilled at the invitation. Mother like daughter, Jill wasted no time in heading north to Queensland...and Newry Island. I planned to pick her up Christmas morning along with other guests, day-trippers, who had booked to come across to the island for Christmas Day. All was set in place. What could go wrong? Christmas Eve arrived on Newry Island, bringing with it a clear blue sky and gentle sea breezes. The temperature was around 28C…perfect summer weather; perfect Christmas weather, with not a hint of a storm on the horizon, let alone a cyclone. My day was filled with a multitude of chores as I prepared the following day’s Christmas lunch for my expected 30 guests. I kept patting myself on the back for having the good sense to ask Alice to be my offsider. She was a smart, intelligent young lady who was wonderful with people. She was the life of the party. I couldn't have wished for more. My Christmas lunch menu consisted mainly of cold fare, accompanied by few hot dishes. The final preparation of the menu I’d complete on Christmas morning after I'd picked up the balance of my guests. Two boat trips were planned for Christmas morning across to Victor Creek on the mainland to collect some guests who’d booked to stay on the island for a week, intending to enjoy New Year on the island as well as the day-trippers. Among the day-trippers were some overseas backpackers. My holidaying guests who were booked for a few days or more were mainly family groups with little children. Along with the family groups, a couple of young fellows aged within the mid to late twenties, who often stopped off at the island during their fishing expeditions, chose the island to be their Christmas destination, as well. Early Christmas Eve morning, with broad smiles across their friendly faces, they arrived by their own boat, a 12-foot runabout. They anchored it close inshore. I suggested to deaf ears that it would be more sensible to anchor their boat out near where my boat was moored in the deep waters of the channel between Newry Island and Outer Newry Island; but I’m a woman…what would I know? Christmas Eve evening we partied a bit, of course. Later on in the night once the guests returned to their cabins after spending a fun evening mingling at the bar enjoying a few Christmas spirits of the liquid kind after a seafood laden barbecue, Alice and I finished decorating the extensive, temporary buffet table that was to hold the elaborate luncheon feast. The table was adorned with palm fronds, banana leaves and bougainvillea blooms; along with various other specimens of indigenous greenery befitting a tropical island. Once satisfied with our efforts, we stood back and admired our excellent creativity. The long, decorated table looked spectacular. The Christmas tree stood proudly at one end of the dining room. Alice and I had found a suitable dead, weathered remnant of what had once been a living tree. Sprayed white, it had been given a rebirth; a second life. It looked festive; sparse, but it stood proudly in its place. Glimmering silver, white, red and green baubles hung from its spindly limbs; the glistening balls of varying sizes reflected the moon’s rays as they shimmered through the full-length windows that looked out across the beach to the softly murmuring sea; a perfect ending to a perfect Christmas Eve. I felt excited about the day ahead. The Christmas spirit on the island was alive and well; it was contagious. Those who had children assured the little ones that Santa knew where they were. Lemonade and slices of my “island-made” rich fruit cake were left on the end of the bar for Santa’s anticipated arrival during the night. My luncheon preparations were all but completed. Feeling confident everything would run smoothly, my first Christmas Day on Newry Island couldn’t arrive quickly enough. I could see only calm waters ahead. By 8 am Christmas morning I’d already completed two return boat trips between the island and the Victor Creek boat ramp to fetch the balance of my guests, including the day-trippers who were intent on returning to the mainland later in the afternoon after a leisurely tropical island Christmas lunch. In all, including the guests already settled in the cabins, on Christmas Day the final number of guests increased. Each and everyone was keen to partake in my special luncheon fare, and the island’s ambience. Among my guests staying beyond Christmas Day were five young children; and among those kiddies were twins, aged around 20 months. After my second group of visitors disembarked, I motored out to the mooring to secure my 21-foot Trojan De Havilland, powered by a 175hp motor. I then rowed ashore in my little red tender. The little dinghy had two wheels beneath its stern, making it easy for me to pull the boat along the sand. Upon reaching the beach, I pulled the dinghy right up to the foreshore, and tied it securely to one of She-Oaks fringing the beach. Once satisfied everyone, including Jill, Alice's mother, was happily settled in and relaxed, I raced into the kitchen to begin finalising my luncheon preparations. Alice kept an eye on the bar because I couldn’t be in two places at once, although I felt I was actually in a hundred places at once! Along with my two regular fishermen guests, my much appreciated assistant tended to everyone’s requirements if needed. So that end was well-covered therefore taking a lot of pressure off my shoulders. I had no concerns anyone would take advantage of the situation. My guests couldn’t go anywhere. They were on an island surrounded by water; with me the sole operator of the boat. I was their only means of escape. From the moment I stepped into the kitchen, I didn’t see daylight again until around 11.30 am when I emerged from the galley to begin laying out salads and various other cold platters onto the long buffet table in the dining area, in readiness for the hungry hordes to descend. Glancing towards the ocean, I couldn’t believe my eyes. The weather was unrecognisable to what it had been only three or so hours earlier when I’d returned from my second trip to the mainland. The conditions had rapidly changed for the worst. A frenzied sea was being whipped up by a boisterous, unrelenting wind. The gale whirled erratically and wildly. The once clear sky was now covered in low-hanging, steely-grey clouds that groaned and moaned from their heavy load. The burdensome clouds threatened to explode at any moment, and dump their cargo. I hadn't the time, nor did I have the ability to row out to my boat on its mooring in the channel. To try to do so would have been madness. When I first arrived on Newry months previously, I’d been advised that in the event of a cyclone, or similar wild weather, for me to anchor the island boat securely away up in the far reaches of the creek across the channel; the creek that ran through the neighbouring Outer Newry Island. The turbulent system now racing southwards was moving too quickly for me to act.


  1. My apologies for no paragraphing. It's not of my doing, but "blogger, Google, or whomever it is" is responsible. I've tried to fix it, but, unfortunately, to no avail!!

  2. I haven't read the full story yet, but got stuck on "clones of Hawaii, Florida and similar "glossy" plastic holiday areas." That's exactly the sort of thing I hate. If I'm going to holiday somewhere I don't want to be seeing and doing exactly the same thing everywhere I go. (Not that I actually go anywhere, but maybe one day..) Apparently this came about because many Americans prefer the familiar and don't like to be inconvenienced by being unable to get, see or do, anything they do when at home. The "Bean Counters" took note and built copycat resorts and the American people flocked there. I suspect you've heard of the tales and jokes about the demands for American foods etc. I hurry now to say, of course not all Americans do this, many are happy to experience new surroundings, new pastimes, new foods.

  3. Thanks for coming by so quickly, River. I popped back in to say that I'm fed-up with blogger lately. With all the difficulties in posting's so damned annoying.

    I think it was the naturalness...the basic, "down to earth ambience" of the small, not at all fancy resort on Newry Island was the attraction.

    Take good care, River...thanks again for coming by. All the best to you for the coming week. :)

  4. I've read it all now and am remembering the first time I read it, waiting now for part two. Do you have a photo of the white Christmas tree to show us? I saved that second image you put up and would like to use it one day in one of my stories, though it might not be soon.

    1. Hi, again, River. I don't have a photo of the white Christmas tree. It's nowhere on my computer. Maybe there is one amongst the many photos I have stored away in a couple of boxes. A job for another day! lol

      I wish I could solve the paragraphing problem!

      Take care. :)

  5. I saw that blogger was giving you grief (again). I am glad that it finally relented enough to allow you to post.
    You have had more than your fair share of run ins with cyclones. I loathe those plastic same old same old places myself.

    1. Hello, EC....yet again, problem with blogger. It is so frustrating. Anyway, for now, there appears little I can do, am able to do, to rectify the situation.

      Thanks for coming by, EC....take very good care. :)

  6. Good grief you have me sitting on the edge of my seat Lee, I have to wait for the next episode. You certainly have written this well. You certainly had a fair bit to do on the Island.
    I'm sorry to read no power or water in your area and hopefully it will all be normal sooner than later.
    Take care.

    1. Hey there, Margaret. Yep! The island kept me busy. It was an interesting period in my life, one I am glad I experience. At times I even surprise myself when I think back on some of the things I did in the past..all of which are way beyond my ability to do so these days, though! lol

      Let's hope we've had our fill of power outages to last us a lifetime, and unpleasant weather events!

      Thanks for coming by...take good care. :)

  7. You are so right about the synthetic nature of Hawaii and Florida. I have visited Florida, but you couldn’t pay me to go back. In fairness, I have not experienced Hawaii first hand, and have no desire to. A fellow I knew many years ago described it as Chicago with palm trees and that sounds truly awful! That coast of Queensland has been battered by natural disasters so many time (and the frequency and ferocity is expected to increase) it’s a wonder to me that people continue to live there! Stay safe. Recover well. All the best - David

    1. G'day, David. Tropical North Queensland has received a lot of rain this season. Cyclone Alfred was playing around out in the waters from that area for quite some time before he decided to gather up his toys and head south, to South East Queensland. Cyclones are not regular visitors to this area. So Alfie's visit was not expected when he first made his presence known up north.

      These days I live in South-East Queensland...up in the Gold Coast Hinterland, a lovely area of Queensland. Normally, a peaceful, quiet spot, with lots of trees and natural wildlife. We don't want any of Alfie's relatives making visits!

      Thanks for coming by...and your good wishes. Take care. :)

  8. Well, it was a bit hard to read - but I did it. I am so sorry you had to go through all that. I didn't realize that you were hit.
    Did you fill the tub up with water to have for the toilets? That is always one of my first thoughts.
    I hope you are okay now and your people around you.

    1. Hi Sandie...I only have a shower recess, not bathtub. But, beforehand, thankfully, I filled up every conceivable container with water, plus a few buckets, also. As Cyclone Alfred was heading down the coast, and hovering out in the waters of South East Queensland, I bought a couple of extra buckets, and am thankful I did.

      Sorry that blogger is playing up and wouldn't allow me to set what I wrote out in paragraphs. I tried over and over to fix it, but to no avail.

      Thanks for coming by...take care. :)

  9. Grr to blogger you never know what's going to happen next!!!

    Yes, it was harder to read with no paragraphs but well worth persevering and thank you for posting.

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. G'day, Jan...If I keep tearing my hair out about Blogger I'll soon have very little left. It is so frustrating. I'm so sorry my above post is difficult to read. I tried over and over different methods to sort it out, but failed miserably. Thanks for persevering. :)

      Take good care. :)

  10. The best laid plans. Etc. Etc. Etc.:)

    1. So true, true! lol

      Thanks for coming by...take good care.

  11. My heart goes out to all of you, we have hurricanes and they do pretty well what your cyclones do so I do get what you've been through.

    As always, I am devouring every word of your story. What a dilemma!

    1. Hi, messymimi...Yes....some peace and quiet is what we all need...everywhere throughout the world it appears Anxiety levels need time to drop, and cease! :)

      Thanks for coming by...take good care.

  12. Blogger won't let me follow other blogs any more!!! AND I can't get them to fix the problems!!
    It is hard to read but I'm getting it done! lol

    1. I'm so fed-up with Blogger these days, Donna. I've been have so much trouble trying to post my articles. I'm about ready to give up on it, but I will forge forward, not wanting to be defeated!

      Thanks for coming by, and putting up with the hassle. My apologies for the difficulty in deciphering my above post. I hope all is well with you, and your loved ones. Take very good care. :)
