Ha! That made you sit up and take notice, didn’t it? It’s not what you’re thinking! The other day I was conversing with my butcher. To clear things up for you…I was thanking him for the tender, tasty rump steak I’d purchased off him a week earlier while I was buying more to enjoy. We discussed the ‘hanging’ of meat. Previously I’ve written about my ‘entrée’ into the crazy, intriguing world of the hospitality industry via "The Pelican Tavern " in Fortitude Valley,
The chef/owner, who built the premises including the cold room with walls about 100 feet thick, (slight exaggeration!) hung his rumps (well, not actually his "rump", but that of the beasts!) for 6-8 weeks before slicing, ready to be thrown the grill. The ‘Tavern’ was well-known for its top quality steaks. To my personal taste, rump steak is my favourite. Rump is gutsy and has much more flavour than scotch (rib) fillet or eye fillet. I do love a good, thick juicy T-bone, as well, or a good piece of sirloin (entrecote). I ask my butcher very politely to cut my steaks especially for me to the thickness I desire. When I have steak I want the best and I like it thick!
Butchers are fun people. I’m sure they all go to a special school to learn the art of dealing with the public. I’ve always found them jovial, full of good humour.
Pepper Steak: Prepare steak a few hours ahead. Crush 2 heaped teaspoons whole black peppercorns very coarsely. Pour 1tbl olive oil, mixed with1/2 clove garlic crushed into a dish. Coat each steak (2) evenly on both sides with crushed peppercorns, pressing them in firmly. Lay the steaks in the dish. Spoon in another tablespoon oil mixed with ½ crushed garlic clove. Cover and set aside for a few hours, turning the steaks once. Place heavy-based pan over very high heat. Drop steaks into the pan when very hot,. Sear quickly on both sides. Lower heat and cook as desired. One minute before end of the cooking time pour in 150ml red wine or brandy if you prefer (flame brandy). Let the liquid reduce. Sprinkle with salt and serve immediately.
Steak Diane: Heat 2tbl olive oil in pan. Gently sauté some crushed garlic. Stir in a splash of Worcestershire sauce, 1tsp wholegrain or
Rump Steak With Oyster Sauce: Season steaks with ground pepper. Heat 35gm butter in pan, when hot add steaks. Cook to required doneness. Remove from pan and keep warm. Heat 35gm butter in another pan. Add 1/3cup finely chopped onion. Gently cook for 1min then add ½ cup brandy. Heat and set alight. Reduce by half. Add 1/2cup each beef stock and cream. Reduce by half. Add any meat juices from steak. Toss in fresh oysters and any juices from the shells, 1tbl oyster sauce, 1tsp lemon juice, 2tbl fresh herbs, chopped (parsley, chives, oregano, thyme) and quickly whisk in one egg yolk. Season to taste and remove sauce from heat. Whisk in a small knob of butter. Spoon sauce over steaks.
Ginger-Glazed Rump Roast: Place rump roast on rack in roasting pan. Combine crushed garlic, minced fresh ginger, 2tbl olive oil, 1tsp finely chopped mint, salt and ground pepper. Spread over roast. Put some water in bottom of roasting pan. Roast for 30mins. Reduce heat to 140C. Roast for another 30mins. Combine 1tbl each honey and cider vinegar. Baste roast with mixture during cooking for another 40mins or to preferred doneness.
The above charts show, on the left, the US Beef Chart...and on the right, the Australian Beef Chart. (Click on the Aus Chart for a larger view)
Hi Lee ~~ I do things backwards and upside down ANY day, not just Sundays. I did my blog a bit earlier tonight then had a later tea of chicken soup and toast. (I have my main meal in the middle of the day. I have just sat down to do some reading after putting a great large beef casserole in the crockpot.So tomorrow, do a few vegies and walla - meals.Already lots of veg in
ReplyDeletethe mix. Take care Lee,
Love, Merle.
I'm glad I'm not alone then, Merle! lol It's good to know I've got half of tomorrow's housework done...I should do this more often! ;)
ReplyDeleteI thought for a moment there that this blog was about me. (I can wish) Then I got past your title.
ReplyDeleteI finally figured out that you are speaking of what we call 'Round Steak.'
Yes the flavor is great and I've eaten more than my share. Mom would pound it thin then dip it in a mixture of flour, black pepper, and salt and then fried it like you might a kidney. (you know, she fried the piss out of it)
Hers was always crispy but I usually fry to a somewhat crispy form and then put a lid on it and simmer. I think it's good any way you might cook it.
For steaks I prefer the flavor of sirloin but am apt to most often order a ribeye. I like good prime rib but I've been burnt on that so many times that I shy away unless the reputation of the place is known to me.
Yesterday my oldest son came for a visit and while we were playing golf I told him "Your Mom has a sirloin roast on the grill." He said, "Ya know Dad, I'll bet you and Mom have cooked more roasts than anyone I know. No one else is even close." I guess he's probably right on that. If there is to be meat at a community gathering, it seems I get called. The reason: I have a good butcher. It's the meat. You are spot on with this post Dear Lee.
Hi Cliff...The US and Aus cuts of meat do vary a bit...in name and in the portions on the carcass from where the cuts originate from...we have "round" steak here, but it is from a different part of the beast than that which rump comes from in the Aussie cutting...but yes...our rump is your round. Because of your comment, I decided to add the "charts" to my post...thanks. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I misled you in my title! I can imagine your adrenalin rising! ;)
It's so important to have a good butcher when it comes to purchasing a good piece of steak. Now, I'm hungry! Thanks for your comment...you always make me laugh. :)
Darn! I should know better than to read one of your food entries in the morning. My mouth is now watering for a good juicy (for me that means bloody) steak. Hmmm...I wonder if IHOPS has steak & eggs.
ReplyDeleteI love BEEF. Not to brag but I will not order a steak when we dine out. Reason, I can cook a steak better than you can get at most eatery. Prince and Mimi finally got the message as they both ordered steak when we went out last time. "Not as good as the ones I cook" was the verdict. It does not matter the cut as long as you have a good cook.(ME)I always say it is the Cherokee in me that makes me a good cook on open flames.
I fixed venison tenderloin Friday evening and it would melt in your mouth. The secret marinate overnight in buttermilk and then wash off the meat and use your favorite herbs and oils to marinate for a few hours before you cook.
I never learned to cook until I left Australia. In fact I learned in North America because I did little cooking in England since I worked late and no one could wait for me.
ReplyDeleteSo I know all the North American cuts of meat. When I go to Australia I have no idea what to ask for nor do I recognize lots of the cuts of beef or even pork. I have no idea what rump steak is here. We never pan fry steak but always broil. Never barbecue because my husband is not interested and I refuse to run back and forth.
Are indoor grills popular in Australia too?
All that beef looks pretty good to me. I could never be a vegetarian.
Hi Robbie, Lady Di and jmb....I love a thick juicy steak, too. I used to cringe when I was cooking in restaurants when I received an order for a "well done" steak. Such a waste but each to their own taste. One can cook a "well done" steak without burning it to a crisp, drying it out and totally ruin it.
ReplyDeleteYes, we do have indoor grills here in Aus, jmb. I don't. I've a four-burner gas barbecue, which I don't use enough!
Thanks for your comments everyone...sorry I made you hungry! ;)
It sure did! Great pics and recipes - thank you!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome, Welsh. :)
ReplyDeleteWow I was just thinking how wonderful it would be for you to post something really yummy looking. I can just taste that t-bone steak medium rare and all the seasonings. You amaze me how you can mix in a variety of subjects and keep me reading. Great job Lee.
ReplyDeleteGudday Lee... indeed - sit up and take notice I did... but only because I'm now dying for some good beef - in fact that pepper steak has my mouth fair watering!!!
ReplyDeleteBeen a long while between posts for me - I'm hoping to rectify that directly... my boy keeps me on my toes, and damn if that horrid thing called work doesn't take it's toll as well lol! Still though - apparently it keeps me 'honest'!!!
Watch my space lol!
Take care mate...
I must admit that title was an eyecatcher and I thought...this'll be a good post. However, as I'm not particularly keen on steak, it was a bit of a let down...pun intended!
ReplyDeleteOoooh Di, venison tenderloin..my mouth is watering. I love venison. I wish I could become a vegetarian but I can't make it because of things like...steak and venison tenderloin.
ReplyDeleteLee, I noticed the same thing. Butchers and morticians are really funny, nice folks. I wish everybody was like them.
Sandra, Robyn and Corn Dog...I could never be a vegetarian as much as I love vegetables, pulses etc.,...I still need a fix of meat!
ReplyDeleteBelongum...Gee...I left you to last...great to see you! It's been ages! I've been wondering how you've been getting on. :) Thanks for popping in and commenting. :)
Hi Lee,
ReplyDeleteI saw your name on Rebecca's blog, hmmmmm I like your cooking style and I also the pictures,
Are you interested in 'how I make beef-stew'?
Please feel free to visit my blog:
Greetings JoAnn
You have my attention...
ReplyDeleteHi Joann...nice to meet you...thanks for visiting and commenting. I most certainly will visit your blog and "steal" your beef stew recipe from you! ;)
ReplyDeleteI thought I heard the clicking of heels in the background, j cosmo newbery! ;)